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rc mjqf,a wÆ;au idudðlhd uyck;dj bÈßhg

 n%s;dkHh rc mjq,g tlajQ wÆ;skau idudðlhd o /f.k flaÜ ñâ,agka iy ú,shï l=ure m%:u jrg Ydka; fïß frdayf,a isg m%isoaêfha fmkS isáhy'

ish ì,s|d o  /f.k ck;dj bÈßhg meñKs flaÜ  iy ú,shï l=ure ckudOHhfõ§ka we;=¿ uyck;dj weu;Sug o wu;l fkdl<y'

tys§ ú,shï l=ure mjid we;af;a" wÆ; Wmka l=urdg  kï ;eîug ;j;a Èk lsysmhla .; jkq we;s nj h'

miqj fookd ish ì,s÷ mq;d o /f.k Ydka; fïß frday,a fiajlkaf.a fukau wjg /iaj isá úYd, msßilf.a m%S;sf>daId uOHfha frday,ska msgj .shy'

fmf¾od iji 4'24g n%s;dkHh rc mqjf,a wÆ;au idudðlhdf.a Wm; isÿ jQ w;r rdclSh l=ure ìysjk úg rd;a;,a 8l=;a wjqkai 6l nrlska hqla; jQ nj Ydka; fïß frday, Wmqgd olajñka îîis f,dal fiajh jd¾;d lr ;sìK'

Special moment: Prince William and Kate waved and smiled broadly to the waiting cameras as they held their prince on the steps of the private Lindo Wing at St Mary's Hospital in London New life: The baby was crying in its car seat as its father took him to their waiting car yesterday eveningMagic: With the wold watching, Kate and William hold their prince outside the Lindo Wing in a genuinely historic moment for BritainEmotional: The new mother looked delighted as she looked down at her first child while her husband waved to the excited crowds Protective: The baby was wrapped in a white shawl - Kate held her new son closely to her chest as she waved to the impressive crowdGentle: The trio take their first steps together into the outside world together as the prince starts his life Caring: As his wife walked down the steps, William placed a protective hand on her arm to make sure the new mother and son made it down the steps safely Duchess of Cambridge poses for photographers outside St. Mary's Hospital's exclusive Lindo Wing, where she has been since Monday Gently does it: After Kate took the prince down the stairs, William carefully picked up their sonBig moment: Prince William holds his son for the first time in front of the world's mediaDebut: Despite the excitement the tiny baby seems to remain asleep throughout his debut allowing his parents to answer questions Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, depart The Lindo WingThe safe hands of the Duke of Cambridge, as the royal couple and their son who was born yesterdayPart of the journey: The medical staff at the hospital lined up as the new parents emerged Poignant: Statement: William and Kate both spoke to the press and the Prince said 'thankfully he has her looks' Looks: When asked about the newborn's appearance, William said Strapped in: The newborn baby was strapped into a car seat as Prince William carried him out of the hospital and into the awaiting car William calmly carried his new baby to the Range Rover which he drove home himself with his wife and child on board

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